Christmas Gift Ideas For Snowboarders From Robin Hood Watersports
The staff here at Robin Hood Watersports appreciate how hard it can be to pick a snowboard related Christmas gift if you don’t actively participate. As active riders ourselves we can help you select the perfect gift for your friends and family. This blog lists numerous options of varying price. We’ve included a short overview of each and hope this help you understand its use and purpose. As always, if you’re not quite sure and want to discuss further please don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can assist you further on your present hunting mission!
Choosing Your Snowboard: What length is right for you?
Before we start to look at brand, profile and shape it is important to understand that length is the most important factor and thus should be your first consideration when choosing a new snowboard. Here we look into the pros and cons of each board length. Grab a brew and enjoy!
Snowboard Base Quality - The facts behind the myth
When selecting your new ride our recommendation would be to look at length, shape, flex and profile as the primary determining factors, so feel free to read our associated guides for further information on these. Snowboard base quality is an additional factor well worth consideration and one that is traditionally overlooked due to a general lack of technical knowledge in this area. Most will know the two differing constructions, terms sintered and extruded. On a crude level you can translate these into being ‘good’ and ‘bad’ respectively. However, it isn’t quite as simple as this and here we explain why.
Choosing Your Snowboard: The importance of flex
When picking your next snowboard there are massive number of factors to consider. Once you’ve nailed down the size we recommend looking at flex, shape and profile. This information guide covers the former and we hope you’ll feel well informed as to the pros and cons of the different snowboard flex patterns after reading. Enjoy!
Choosing Your Snowboard: Which shape and why?
When picking your next snowboard there are massive number of factors to consider. Once you’ve nailed down the size we recommend looking at shape, profile and flex. This information guide covers the former and we hope you’ll feel well informed as to the pros and cons of the different snowboard shapes after reading. Enjoy!
Choosing Your Snowboard: Which profile and why?
The choice of snowboard shapes and profiles is ever increasing, which is in stark contrast to when many of our staff learnt to ride. This was at a time when one dominant profile existed, called camber, which had resulted directly from ski technology. However, while you could see the complexity of current ranges as a hindrance we would make a case that choice is a great thing in enabling you to make better informed decisions and thus ensure you end up with the right board to hit the mountains. In this guide we cover the varying camber and rocker styles, the reasons behind their creation and resulting performance. Sit down, grab a brew and enjoy!
Snowboard Boot Lacing Styles: Which is right for you?
The range of snowboard boots on the market can make choosing your next pair overwhelming. In this information guide we discuss the relative merits of different lacing styles. Whether traditional lace, Boa or speed lace we have the right model to suit your requirements.
Snowboard Boot Fitting - Our Guide
The fit of your boots is one of the most important aspects of your setup, it will ensure you have a long, fun day on the slopes. Welcome to our guide to the important steps during the boot fitting process.
Burton Bindings: Re:Flex vs. EST – Which Is Right For Me?
With Burton offering certain binding models in two different fit configurations we are regularly asked about the differences and which is appropriate for our customers. This guide covers the key factors when choosing EST or Re:Flex bindings, which largely comes down to your current and future board choices. Read on to ensure you purchase the correct binding fitment for your favourite board.
Snowboard How To - Fit your ReFlex (Disk) bindings to a Burton channel board
We often get asked for advice on fitting bindings to boards and adjusting them correctly. This is a service we offer in store but for those times you can't make it in please find our enclosed guide on fitting and required adjustment. This guide covers fitting Burton ReFlex (Disk) bindings to Burton boards with the channel track.